We were so fortunate and glad to have Jing Ke as our DD’s speech therapist. She was so effective that after just 6 months, our DD who had a speech delay is able to talk like every other kid her age now. At 18 months, DD hadn’t started calling us “mama” and “papa” yet, was hardly babbling, wasn’t responding to her name, had poor eye contact, and wasn’t pointing to objects with her finger. Our PD said she was behind on her developmental milestones, which could be early signs of ASD and suggested we get her checked out. We decided to seek help from a few speech therapists. Among them Jing Ke was the only one who stood out and was engaging enough that our DD took an immediately liking to her. After just the first session, we could already see an improvement in her, so we decided to stick with Jing Ke. It was the best decision ever.
Jing Ke also constantly shared tips and exercises with us to practice at home with DD. As parents, we were very encouraged by the improvements we saw in her week after week. Within a short span of 6 months, DD had caught up on her speech development, and was more or less on track with any typical 24-month old kid we’ve seen.
If your child has similar speech issues and you are looking for a speech therapist, I believe you won’t go wrong with Jing Ke.