Early Intervention Programme

Early Intervention Programme

Does your child:

  • Find it hard to follow instructions in school?
  • Have difficulties taking turns and sharing in school?
  • Struggle with reading and writing?
  • Face difficulties with pencil grip?
  • Have troubles remembering colours and shapes?
  • Struggle to count to 20?
  • Colour beyond the boundaries?
  • Still require help in making simple purchases from shops?

If you answered yes to any of the above, your child may yet to have the necessary skills for optimal learning in a big group class setting. Let us help.

At The Grounds, our highly-qualified Speech, Educational Therapists and Occupational Therapists have rich experiences in identifying and scaffolding overwhelming classroom tasks for children struggling to cope with school demands. We can also help equip them to adapt to the challenges and independence required in mainstream Primary School.